VDL Bike Frame Technologies

We specialize in the automated and robotic welding of aluminum bicycle frames for the bicycle industry. Clustered craftsmanship and years of experience in the field of robotized aluminum welding, coupled with extensive experience in designing, manufacturing and installing production systems for the automotive industry, VDL Bike Frame Technologies is determined to be part of the European bicycle supply chain!


We invest heavily in automation and robotization and want our employees to continuously develop themselves. Automation offers opportunities in a tight labor market. When repetitive and monotonous work is automated, it no longer needs to be done by our employees. In this way, they are given the space to do work that cannot be done by machines. Thus, they add substantial value to the plant and job satisfaction increases. This gives us the ability to constantly innovate and compete with products from other countries.

Family business

Founded in July 2022, as a part of the international industrial family business VDL Groep, we bring the expertise of a high-tech multinational into bicycle frame production. Being the first to use a completely automated, automotive like, production process.